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Informative Infographics

  • Travelling With Babies

    Having a baby is without doubt one of the most special moments of a person’s life. Travelling with one, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. But don’t fear, this infographic is here to help.

    In this piece we’ll be giving you some top tips on how to make travelling with a baby as stress free as humanly possible. We’ll be covering things such as a great way to transport your little one, with three of the best types of carriers. We’ll then give you a checklist of what you need to pack including a first aid kit and some great ways to keep your baby happy whilst travelling on those scary planes or trains.

    It’s also super important not to forget about the legal stuff, so we’ve given you a helpful reminder of all the necessary paperwork you’ll need to bring with you on your trip.

    Finally, there’s some factors you need to think about before you pick your hotel and destination.

    Take a look!

    Travelling with Kids

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  • First Aid for Babies

    Despite being tiny, babies can get themselves into big trouble. Yet many of us aren’t confident in our ability to help our children when they are injured or hurt.

    The statistics to support this are frankly staggering, and a little bit frightening. With over 500,000 children per year needing to go into casualty, only 10% of parents are confident in their first aid skills.

    Here at Wooden Toy Shop, we thought we’d try and do our bit to spread the word about first aid so parents can learn to help their babies when they are injured. We hope that by reading about some of the first aid techniques you can use, many of you will be spurred onto to go to specialist first aid courses. If that’s you, then you can use the links below to find a course for you.

    The techniques we cover in this piece are to help you in some of the most common ways babies find themselves in trouble. This includes what to do when your child is choking, unconscious or not breathing, has been burnt or scalded, or has been cut, bruised or bleeding.

    Find a course today

    British Red Cross

    Daisy First Aid

    St John’s Ambulance 

    First Aid for Life

    St Andrew’s First Aid

    First Aid for Babies

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  • Helping Your Child Develop Through Play

    Tummy time and play time is, of course, vital to a child’s development. It should also be a lot of fun! While we’re sure any time you spend with your toddler will be positive, we thought it would be a great idea to put together a simple guide to some of the most constructive games you can play with your toddler.

    The guide is split up into four sections; language, movement, co-ordination and creative skills. Within which are simple games that don’t require buying much of the way in props. Indeed, for many of these games you could improvise and make your own props should you wish. In every case the most crucial component to your child’s development is you. You will be their best, most interactive and most interesting toy; and your involvement in these games is crucial to their development.

    From games you can play when you’re sitting in a waiting room, to games you play by simply turning your living room into an adventure playground; these are all easy to devise and lots of fun both for you and your child to play.

    Obviously every child develops at a different rate, so while these are aimed roughly at those starting to toddler around they can be adapted for older and younger children.

    Helping your child develop through play

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