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Preparing for Life through Play

As I lay in the dentist’s chair this morning waiting for the anaesthetic to work I remembered going to the dentist as a child and started to think about all the scary grown up experiences we had to take in our stride as little ones. Of course, we didn’t really take anything in our stride as our Mum and Dad made sure we were ready for the big wide world before we ventured forth. They achieved this in many ways, not least with books and stories but also through toys and play. Teaching children essential life skills with learning toys is one obvious way to give them a good start, but there are plenty of other toys which help in less obvious ways.

Let’s think about going to the doctor, for example. Some children just do not like it. From the moment they arrive in a waiting room full of strangers to the moment they go through the door to the doctor’s room, they don’t feel comfortable and they are scared. If your kids are intimidated by the various instruments doctors and nurses use in the course of examinations and treatments, then the BigJigs Doctors Case might be a useful way to demystify some of these items. Similarly, the Pintoy General Hospital might be a great help to children facing a daunting spell in hospital or simply visiting relatives. These clever wooden toys allow children to discover through play how hospitals and doctors’ surgeries operate and how they are simply part of life and nothing to be scared of. Allowing kids to play with toys such as these at their own pace and as often as they like will make troublesome trips to the health centre a lot easier for grownups and, most importantly, less difficult for our children.

Pintoy General Hospital


One of my abiding early memories and one which my parents never fail to remind me about is how I was a fussy eater as a child. My, how times change! I really didn’t like food when I was little. I was forever leaving stuff at the side of my plate and complaining that I didn’t like this or that. I have no idea how my Mum put up with me! It might have been easier if we had had some play food to show me light! Our dazzling selection of healthy pretend food includes crates of oily fish, fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy food, all of which can be used to persuade the pickiest of eaters that eating the right food will help them to grow up big and strong. If you give your children the time to familiarise themselves with healthy eating food groups then you never know, they might end up teaching you a thing or two about your diet!

BigJigs Healthy Eating Fish Set


Another area which can pose problems for children is public transport. Most children love car journeys where they can be strapped in and enjoy the ride, but travelling by bus, train or plane can pose problems for parents. Larger vehicles can be intimidating to small children and it’s often difficult to keep children occupied and happy on a coach, for example. An adventure on Le Toy Van’s London Bus or on a wooden train might be just the ticket for Mums and Dads who want to prepare their little angels for travelling with other passengers on longer journeys.

Children have so much to learn every single day and learning through play is one of the many ways in which they can take their first steps to a healthy and happy life.

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